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When I hear the birds sing, 7 min drawn animation, Tv-paint.

En film om menneskers styrke til å reise seg og gå videre.

Gjennom intervjuer med fem ivorianske barn som har måttet flykte fra krigen i Elfenbenskysten, dukker historier om mot, styrke, muligheter og håp opp. Barna forteller om en allmennmenneskelig drøm; drømmen om et bedre liv for seg og sine. Filmen belyser en svært aktuell problemstilling når vi nå ser millioner av mennesker på flukt. 

Five Ivorian children had to flee when war broke out in the Ivory Coast after the presidential election in 2010. The children talk about hopes and dreams for the future.

Festival screenings:

*Docudays UA Travelling Festival, Ukraine, (October 1-December 31, 2018)

*CONSCIOUS CARTOONS International Animation Festival, Vashon Island, Seattle (2018)

*DeBartelo Performing Arts Center at Notre Dame University in Indiana, USA. (2018)

*Conference European Day for Border Guards (2018)

*Flensburger Kurzfilmtage (2018)

*Docudays UA International Human Rights Film Festival (Kyiv, Ukraine, March)

*the 2018 Children’s Film Festival Seattle (2018)

*Filmforum, New York, 13 des-21 des (2017)

*SIFFCY Film Festival, India (2017)

*Animateka International Animated Film Festival, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2017)

*Ajyal Youth Film Festival, Doha, Qatar, (2017) 

*Brest Short Film Festival, France (2017)

*The Network of Heritage Towns in Colombia, Screenings in 17 towns in Colombia. (2017)

*Dok Leipzig festival, Germany (2016) 

*Nordisk Panorama, New Nordic Voice, Malmö, Sweden, (2017)

*EIDF Documentary Festival, South Korea (2017)

*Sarajevo Film Festival, Bosnia-Herzegovina (2017)

*El festival Internacional de Cine para Ninos, Mexico (2017)

*17. Festival Internacional de Cine de Derechos Humanos, Argentina (2017)

*Verdens beste - Tromsø childrens filmfestival, Norway (2017)

*Animafest Zagreb, Croatia (2017)

*International Shortfilm festival Oberhausen, Germany (2017)

*Nordic/Docs, Fredrikstad, Norway (2017)

*Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film, Germany (2017) 

*The Norwegian Documentary Film Festival (2017)

*Kristiansand International Children's Film Festival, Norway (2017)

*Nashville Film Festival, USA (2017)

*Eurodok - European Documentary Film Festival, Norway (2017) 

*Ambulante Film Festival , Mexico (2017)

*BUFF International Children and Young People's Film Festival, Sweden (2017) 

*Tricky Women International Animation Film Festival, Austria (2017)

*Thessaloniki International Documentary Film Festival, Greece (2017)

*New York International Children's Film Festival, USA (2017)

*Poznan International Young Audience Film Festival Ale Kino!, Poland (2016)

*IDFA - International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (2016)

*Fredrikstad Animation Festival (2016) 

*Chicago International Children's Film Festival (2016)

*Bergen International Filmfestival BIFF (2016)

*The Norwegian Short Film Festival (2016) 

Crew and financers:

Written and directed by: Trine Vallevik Håbjørg

Animation: Trine V. Håbjørg & Øyvind Tangseth.

Characterdesign: Trine V. Håbjørg

Backgrounddesign: Trine V. Håbjørg, Øyvind Tangseth.

Music: Kouame Sereba og Erik Wøllo. Sound design: Erik Wøllo.

Sound recording Liberia: Øyvind Rydland

Editing: Morten Øvreås.

Financed by: Nfi, Fond for lyd og bilde, Fritt Ord, Vestnorsk filmsenter and Viken Filmsenter

Development producer: Elin Andersson, Agitator (2013)

Produced by: Trine Vallevik Håbjørg, Råsalt (2016)


International Trick Filmfestival, Stuttgart 2017:
*Best Childrens Film
The Norwegian Documentary Film Festival 2017:
*Heiderleg omtale (Honorable mention)
New York International Childrens Film Festival 2017: 
*The jury award for best animated short
Chicago International Childrens Film Festival 2016: 
*The Liv Ullmann Peace Prize, 
*Youth Jury Prize—Animated Short Film
*The Adult Jury price 2nd Prize, Animated Short Film

Trine V Håbjørg
Råsalt as
tel: +47 91375102

Norwegian Film Institute
Dronningens gate 16
P.O.Box 482 Sentrum
NO-0105 Oslo


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